
Risorgere is an associative movement of a cultural and educational nature.

It was born from the idea of ​​some young Italian students, artists, administrators and workers.
It aims to unite several generations, cultures, faiths, professions and different sensitivities in a large family of “spiritual homeland”. People bound by the desire to go back to building a future for their land with a renewed sensibility of Civil Humanitas.

Convinced that the current crisis is spiritual rather than economic beforehand, we seek and share lessons from those who offer to discuss things with us in order to be resurrected as “aware and just men” to be resurrected as “responsible fathers and mothers” to be resurrected as “honest and enterprising” to rise again as “free and courageous citizens in action”. Inspired by Mazzini’s work, we believe we have to start afresh from our “Duties” as men, before our “Rights” as consumers.

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